"My intent is to listen with fresh perspective. I will see what you can not see, suspect what you do not suspect. I am here to help."
Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
1. Education & Training 11-21 February 2019 |
Universal Treatment Curriculum for Substance Use Disorders |
Colombo Plan |
8-12 October 2018
Advanced Clinical Skills and Crisis Management
Drug Advisory Program & Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA)
20-22 September 2018
Clinical Trainer
Medical Faculty, Universitas
Padjadjaran, Bandung
8-12 May 2018
18 Sept – 8 Oct 2016 |
Integrated Care for Drug Users Epidemiology and Health Intervention |
Southeast Asia-HIV Addition
Technology Transfer Center Network (SEA-HATTC), Thailand UNSW, Australia |
21 – 24 August 2016
Course on Leadership and Professional Development
for Young Psychiatrist
Indonesian Early Career Psychiatrist
Indonesian Psychiatric Association
September 2009 – 2014
Specialization in psychiatry
Medical Faculty, University of Padjadjaran, Bandung,
December 2008-November 2012
1-30 November 2011
December 2006 – February 2009
September 2003 – July 2006
Doctor of Philosophy
Genetic Epidemiology Course
Specialization in acupuncture
Master degree
Faculty of Social Science, Radboud University, The
University Medical Centre, Radboud, Nijmegen, The
Medical Faculty, Maranatha University, Bandung,
Biology Department, Bandung Institute of Technology
September 1994 – December 2000
Medical doctor
Medical Faculty, University of Padjadjaran, Bandung,
November 2006 -December 2006
Harm Reduction Course (Burnett Institute, Melbourne)
March 2003-June 2003
Drugs Surveillance & Social Research (National
Narcotics Board & AusAid)
2. Working Experience
· Head
of psychiatry study program (2017 - now)
Main Tasks: to make schedule,
regulation, criteria, coordinate with all of the lecturers, evaluate the
training program
· Secretary
of Indonesian Short Course on addiction Medicine (ISCAN) (2015-now)
Main Tasks:
Coordinate with teaching teams and administration staffs to conduct the course
· Secretary
of medical undergraduate program (2015 – 2016)
Main Tasks: Coordinate
with all departments and research centres to the implement the undergraduate
programs (tutorials, lab activity, skill lab, and examination)
· Secretary
of Ethical Committee (Community Sub-commission) (2014 – now)
Main Tasks: Review
research protocols and discuss and summarize the result of full-board meeting.
· Academic staff at Medical Faculty,
University of Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia (December 2001- now)
Tasks: Develop educational material (tutor's guidance, presentation),
collaborate with other department to determine the goal of the study and
develop course study guide, conduct tutorial teaching with under-graduate
student and master degree student. Facilitate student to develop skill in
communication, counselling, and mental health examination.
· Researcher in Health Research Unit Medical
Faculty Padjadjaran University (June 2003 – now)
Main Tasks: Develop
research proposal in collaboration with other faculty members, stake holders,
government and non-government organization. Develop questionnaires and train
the enumerators. Conduct the analysis, write the report, and publish articles.
From March 2006 to November 2012, I joined IMPACT (Integrated Management of
Prevention And Care and Treatment of HIV/AIDS), a collaborative research and
implementation program of Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia;
Maastricht University and Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, as a
· Medical staff in Methadone Maintenance
Treatment, Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia (May 2006 – now)
Main Tasks: Screen
problems in addiction patients (physical, mental, nutrition, social, drug
problems, law, employment), prioritize problems, and provide treatment
(pharmacology and psychotherapy). Reduce risk behaviour (injecting and sexual
risk behaviour). Help the addiction community support group.
Trainer Experience
Australian Specialized Training Program (IASTP) from 2003-2005
Main Tasks: In collaboration with the
team teaching, to train the government employee and other local stake holders in
several places in Indonesia, especially East Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara Timur,
Nusa Tenggara Barat, and Papua) regarding understanding of addiction and addiction problem in the population and
working place.
Training with Ministry of Social Services in 2006
Main Tasks: In collaboration with the
team teaching, to train the government employee and other local stake holders
in several places in Indonesia regarding understanding of addiction and addiction problem in the population
- Training for the interviewers for research
project "Profile of Injecting Drug Users in Bandung, West Java" in
2007 and 2009
Main Tasks: to train the interviewers to get the understanding of addiction, to
collect valid data, and to minimize the inter-rater variability.
(Integrated Management of Prevention And Care and Treatment of HIV/AIDS) Communication
skill training in 2007
Main Tasks: In collaboration with the
team teaching, to train the Bandung medical staffs from prisons, primary health
centers, clinics, and hospitals which provide addiction services regarding verbal
and non-verbal communication and motivational interviewing. The training is
divided into 3 batches with around 25 participants per batch.
Skill Workshop in Bandung Infectious Diseases Symposia in 2012
Main Tasks: In collaboration with the
team, to train the medical doctors regarding communication skill with patients
Breaking a bad
news Workshop in Indonesian Sexology Association Symposium in 2013
Main Tasks: In collaboration with the
team, to train the medical doctors regarding
breaking a bad news
Training of early
detection and referral system in mental health with provincial health
departmentnt in 2014
Main Tasks: to train the primary health doctors, nurses,
and cadres from 15 cities in West Java regarding early detection in mental health and referral
Stress management
training for provincial health department staffs on January 2015
Main Tasks: to train the provincial health department
staffs how to manage their stress
4. Personal Skills
Problem Solving and Decision Making: Experience
through completing numerous assignments and projects during degree course and
Team Work: Involved in many group assignments
throughout degree and professionally
People Management: Acted as a team leader, both
professionally and academically.
Education skill: trained in some courses and
experience through formal and non-formal assignments
Languages: English Fluent, Bahasa Indonesia mother
Computers: Capable operating Window Based computer;
Software: Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, Endnote.
5. Publications & presentation:
1. Achmad YM, Istiqomah AN, Iskandar S, Wisaksana R, van Crevel R,
Hidayat T. Integration of methadone maintenance treatment and HIV care for
injecting drug users: a cohort study in Bandung, Indonesia (Acta Med Indones.
2009 Jul;41 Suppl 1:23-7)
2. Iskandar S, van Crevel R, Siregar IM, Achmad TH, van der Ven AJ, de
Jong CA.Prevention and treatment of HIV addicted patients: a biopsychosocial approach
(Acta Med Indones. 2009 Jul;41 Suppl 1:38-44)
3. Sumintardja EN, Pinxten
LW, Siregar JR, Suherman H, Wisaksana R, Iskandar
S, Tasya IA, Hinduan Z, Hospers HJ. Behavioral aspects of HIV prevention
and care in Indonesia: A plea for a multi-disciplinary, theory- and
evidence-based approach (Acta Med Indones. 2009 Jul;41 Suppl 1:79-86)
4. Iskandar S, Basar D,
Hidayat T, Siregar IM, Pinxten L, van Crevel R, Van der Ven AJ, De Jong CA. High risk behavior for HIV
transmission among former injecting drug users: a survey from Indonesia (BMC
Public Health. 2010: Aug
5. Former injecting drug
users: an important but often forgotten risk group for HIV transmission (Oral
Presentation in NVTG meeting, Utrecht, The Netherlands)
6. Physical, psychiatric, and
drug abuse problems in injecting drug users in Indonesia (Oral presentation in
ISAM Congress, Oslo, 2011)
7. Role of mu opioid receptor
in addiction and HIV (Oral presentation in World Congress of Biological
Psychiatry, Prague, 2011)
8. The Prevalence of
Polymorphism Reseptor Mu Opioid A118G in Indonesia (Oral Presentation in
Bi-annual psychiatry scientific meeting, Bandung, 2011)
9. Psychiatric Disorders in
Methadone Patients in Indonesia (Poster presentation in World Psychiatric
Association Regional Meeting, Bali, 2012)
10. Iskandar S, Kamal R, De
Jong CA. Psychiatric
comorbidity in injecting drug users in Asia and Africa (Curr Opin Psychiatry.
2012 May;25(3):213-8)
11. Iskandar S, de Jong CA, Hidayat T, Siregar IM, Achmad TH, van Crevel R,
van der Ven A. Successful testing and treating of HIV/AIDS in Indonesia depends
on the addiction treatment modality (J Multidiscip Healthc. 2012;5:329-36)
12. HIV Sexual Risk Behavior
in Key Population in West Java (Oral Presentation in Indonesian Association of Sexology Congress, 2013)
13. Iskandar S, van Crevel R,
Hidayat T, Siregar IM, Achmad TH, van der Ven AJ, De Jong CA. Severity of psychiatric
and physical problems is associated with lower quality of life in methadone
patients in Indonesia (Am J Addict. 2013 Sep-Oct;22(5):425-31)
14. Carpentier
PJ, Arias Vasquez A, Hoogman M, Onnink M, Kan CC, Kooij JJ, Makkinje R, Iskandar S, Kiemeney LA, de Jong CA,
Franke B, Buitelaar JK. Shared and unique genetic contributions to attention
deficit/hyperactivity disorder and substance use disorders: A pilot study of
six candidate genes (European Neuropsychopharmacology (2013) 23, 448–457
15. HIV and addiction: lesson learn from Indonesia (Oral Presentation in International Seminar: Biology Medicine in Relation
to Addiction and Elderly Life, 2013)
16. Drug use and HIV transmission
risk behavior among HIV patients in West
Java, Indonesia (Oral Presentation in ISAM
Congress, Kuala Lumpur, 2013)
17. Meijerink H, Wisaksana R, Iskandar S, den Heijer M, van der Ven
AJ, Alisjahbana B, van Crevel R. Injecting drug use is associated with a more
rapid CD4 cell decline among treatment naïve HIV-positive patients in
Indonesia.( J Int AIDS Soc. 2014 Jan 3;17:18844)
18. Iskandar S, Trianda P,
Fitriana E, Pinxten L, De Jong CA. Experience in care, burden, and hope of the family
members of HIV patients with and without a history of injecting drug use in
Indonesia: An exploratory case (Mental Health and Substance Use Volume 7, Issue
4, 2014)
19. Towards West Java free from
restrain of people with mental health: commitments of 5 cities (Oral presentation
in national community psychiatric seminar, 2014)
20. Emergency cases in
addiction psychiatry (Oral presentation in National Congress on 5 year program
on Indonesia free from restrain of people with mental health, November, 2015)
21. Ayu A.P., Schellekens A.F.A., Iskandar S., Pinxten L., De Jong
C.A.J. Effectiveness and Organization of Addiction Medicine Training Across the
Globe (Eur Addict Res 2015;21:223-239)
22. Ayu A.P., Iskandar S., Siste K., De Jong C.A.J.,
Schellekens A.F.A. Addiction Training For Health Professionals As An Antidote
To The Addiction Health Burden In Indonesia (Addiction. 2016 May 5. doi:
23. Sexual Risk Behavior in
Men Who Have Sex with Men & its prevention (Oral presentation in Scientific
Meeting on Men Who Have Sex with Men, March, 2016)
24. Implementation of regulation no. 18/ 2014 regarding
Community Mental Health (oral presentation in Public Health Association
Congress, April, 2016)
25. The Role of Primary Health
Physician in Enhancing Mental Health System (Oral presentation in 4th
ASEAN Region Primary Care Physician Association Conference, July, 2016)
26. Addiction Training Need
Assessment among Primary Health Physician (Poster presentation, National
Narcotics Board Seminar, 2016)
27. Turnip A., Esti D., Amri
M.F., Ilham M., Simbolon A.I., Suhendra M.A., Iskandar S., Wirakusumah FF.
EEG based Concentration Exsperiment for Drug Addiction Detection (International
Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.x, No.x, 20xx)
28. Evaluation of The Addiction Medicine
Training In Indonesia: The ISCAN (Indonesian Short Course on Addiction
Medicine) (Oral
Presentation in 18th ISAM Congress, Montreal, 2016)
29. Hamdi, A.C., Wijaya, M., Iskandar,
S. Prevention of HIV/AIDS Transmission: Effectiveness
of Information, Education and
Communication Method of “I am Proud I Know
Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan, Vol. 44, No. 4, Desember 2016 : 245 – 252
30. Vidiawati, D., Iskandar,
S., Agustian,
D. Psychiatric problems among students in one of the universities in Jakarta. eJournal
Kedokteran Indonesia vol 5, no 1, April 2017.
31. Addiction
and Impulsivity (Oral presentation in 5th
Asean College of Neuropharmacology (AsCNP) Congress, Bali, April, 2017)
32. How to
Handle Difficult Patient (Facilitator in Workshop in 2nd Indonesian Mental
Health and Addiction and Neuroscience Scientific Meeting, May, 2017)
33. Treating Psychiatric
problems in sexual dysfunction (Oral presentation in Indonesian
Bandung Sexology Association Symposium, May, 2017)
34. Schizophrenia and Substance Abuse Comorbidity (Oral presentation in Indonesian
National Congress of Schizophrenia, July, 2017)
35. Comprehensive Treatment
of Addiction in Woman (Oral presentation in 2nd National
Addiction Medicine Symposium & Workshop, August, 2017)
36. Al-Hasyiri,M.,
Iskandar,S., Achadiyani. Experience
of HIV test and treatment among people who inject drugs in Banceuy Prison
Bandung. Essence of Scientific Medical Journal vol. 15 no 1 January-June, 2017,
page 1-9
37. Nazriati,
E., Iskandar,S., Rinawan, F.
Evaluation of training for primary health doctors to increase knowledge
regarding non spesialistic referal cases in Pekan Baru. Majalah Kedokteran
Andalas vol. 40, no. 2, September 2017. Hal. 71-81.
38. Trend of Prescription Drug
Abuse and Psychiatric Comorbidities in Indonesia (Oral
presentation in University of Indonesia Seminar : New Psychoactive Substance and
Prescription Drugs Abuse : How to Approach in Daily Practice)
39. Turnip,A.,
Esti, D., Amri,M.F., Simbolon, A.I., Suhendrra,M.A., Iskandar,S., Wirakusumah, F.
of Drug Effects on Brain Activity using EEG-P300 with Similar Stimuli. 2017
IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 220 012042
40. Misuse
of prescribing drugs : Psychoneuroimmunology approach (Poster Presentation in
Psychoneuroimmunology Symposium, Solo, November, 2017)
41. Fitri,K.F.,
Iskandar,S., Achadiyani. Perception
of Mental Health Stakeholders in West Java Province toward Mental Disorders.
Indonesian Journal of Medicine and Health (JKKI) 2017; 8(3):146-153.
42. Fitria,N., Lubis, L., Iskandar,S., Purba, A. Biomarker Cytokines/ Pro-Inflammation And Neurotropik as a Depression Parameter
in Elderly:
Literature Review. Proceedings of the 2"d International Conference
in Health Sciences (ICHS) Purwokerto, Indonesia,
November 4-5, 20 17 page 215-220
43. Neurobiological Aspect of
Anxiety Disorders and Drug Addiction (Oral Presentation in World of
Addiction Symposium, Jakarta, 2018)
44. Management of Addiction Problems at The Workplace (Oral
presentation in Building Mental Health in The Workplace, Bandung, August 2018)
45. Emergency
intervention in drug addiction (oral presentation in Psychiatric Emergency
Seminar, Payakumbuh, 2018)
46. Stress
management (Workshop in Annual Scientific Meeting of Company Doctors in
Bandung, 2018)
47. Need
assessment of Addiction Service in Primary Health Care (Poster Presentation in
Role of Women in Medical Research and Education, Bandung, 2018)
48. Januraga, P.P., Reekie, J., Mulyani, T., Lestari, B.W., Iskandar, S., Wisaksana, R., Kusmayanti, N.A., Subronto, Y.W., Widyanthini, D.N., Wirawan, D.N., Wongso, L.V., Sudewo, A.G., Sukmaningrum, E., Nisa, T., Prabowo, B.R., Law, M., Cooper, D.A.†, Kaldor, J.M. The
cascade of HIV care among key populations in Indonesia: a prospective cohort
study. Lancet HIV Volume 5, ISSUE 10,
October 2018
49. Irfan I, Iskandar S, Widianti E. Effect of Schizophrenia Care Application (Ics Mobile) on Family
Knowledge about Activities Daily Living (ADL) to Schizophrenic Patients. JKP -
Volume 6 Nomor 2 Agustus 2018.
50. Eryanto B, Hernawaty T, Iskandar S. Comparison
of Lecture and Video Methods in Increasing Caregiver Knowledge in Treating Clients
Halusination. JKP - Volume 6
Nomor 2 Agustus 2018.
51. Comparison of Knowledge
and Perception of Medical Students in
Different Years about Substance Use Disorder (Oral
presentation in International Society of Addiction Medicine Annual Meeting,
Busan, republic of Korea, November 2018)
52. Abuse of Tramadol and Trihexyphenidyl in
Adolescent (Oral presentation in Addiction Medicine Symposium, Cirebon, 8
Desember 2018)
53. Gunawan,E., Iskandar,S., Siregar, I.M.P., The Profile of
Spiritual Dimensions among Health Care Providers in Hasan Sadikin General
Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia. ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 19 (2),
July-December 2018: 2231-7805
54. Gunawan,E., Deo,P., Hidayat,T., Pandia,V., Iskandar,S., Yuni,P., Sylviana,N., Akbar,I.,, Farenia,R., Wahyu,K., Purba,A., Sidi,H. Factors
Correlated with Occupational Stress
University Lecturers. Med & Health Dec 2018; 13(2): 95-102
55. Pinxten,W.J.L.,
Fitriana,E., De Jong,C., Klimas,J., Tobin,H., Barry,T., Cullen,W., Jokubonis,D., Mazaliauskiene,R., Iskandar,S., Raya,R.P., Schellekens,A.
Excellent reliability and validity of the Addiction Medicine Training Need Assessment
Scale across four countries. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 99 (2019)
6. Awards
Asean Conggress on
Neuro-Psychology, Kyoto
(Travel Award)
First winner young
investigator award in Biannual National Psychiatric Symposium
2011 ISAM-WHO Fellowship
Award (International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM) congress in Oslo)
Best Poster in World Psychiatric Association
(WPA) Regional Meeting
Course on Leadership and Professional Development
for Young Psychiatrist (Fellowship Award)
National Narcotics Board
Seminar (Fellowship Award)
Epidemiology and Health Intervention, UNSW, Australia (Fellowship Award)
7. Current
research project :
of the implementation of ‘test and treat’ strategies for HIV treatment and
prevention in people who inject drugs in Indonesia (4 years project, in
collaboration with Kirby Institute, UNSW, Australia, and WHO
The Role of Brain Computer Interface in Addiction Intervention (collaboration with Indonesia Scientific Institute (LIPI))
The Role of Brain Computer Interface in Addiction Intervention (collaboration with Indonesia Scientific Institute (LIPI))
8. Community / Social Sevices:
Health social service with Tzu Chi International
Medical Association (TIMA)
Drugs training for NGOs, students, medical doctors,
civil servants working together with Health Department, Social Welfare
Department, and Indonesia Australia Specialized Training (IAST)
9. Organization
9. Organization
Physician Association (Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI))
Tzu Chi
International Association (TIMA)
Psychiatrist Association (PDSKJI)
and Education Board Member in Bandung Psychiatrist Association
Research and
Instrument Development Board Member in Early Career Psychiatry Association
Board Member in International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM)
and Counseling Board Member in Universitas Padjadajran
Sexology Association
Psychiatric Association
Working Group in Indonesian Addiction Psychiatry PDSKJI